BCLA & Province-Wide Restrictions
Dear BCLA Members:
Happy New Year! We look confidently towards a better 2021 with a positive outlook for a new lacrosse season. We encourage our members to be creative and to find ways to encourage lacrosse participation within present PHO restrictions.
This message is a follow up to BC Lacrosse Association's (BCLA) December 3, 2020 President's Message. As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, sport will adapt to the restrictions set forth by the BC Health Authority with direction from viaSport BC.
On December 24, 2020, sport-specific updates were added to the Provincial Health Officer Order on Gatherings and Events including:
A refined definition for "adult team sport" with respect to "group sport";
Clarity around travel to home club;
Further guidance on exemptions, including intercollegiate varsity sport;
Youth sport may now include participants under 22 years old.
Read the Provincial Health Officer Order on Gatherings and Events:
Sports and extracurricular activities-
By order of the PHO, restrictions are in place for adult and youth indoor and outdoor team sports. These temporary restrictions are in place to limit the amount of physical and social interactions and travel to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Please stay up to date on the province-wide restrictions for sport (updated January 4):
Read the full details around what these updates to the Order mean for sport:
All indoor and outdoor adult group sport activities for people 22 years of age and older are limited to the following:
Indoor activities - maximum of two people unless the participants are in the same immediate household;
Outdoor activities - maximum of four people unless participants are in the same immediate household;
Physical distance of 3 metres is always maintained on the field of play.
Youth indoor and outdoor team sports-
All organized indoor and outdoor sports for people under 21 years of age must follow viaSport's Return to Sport Phase 2 guidance with respect to maintaining physical distance for participants.
Participants must maintain a physical distance of 3 metres from one another while on the field of play;
Individual drills and modified training activities can continue;
Activities should be low risk of transmitting the virus (i.e., - individual activities, group training that maintains physical distance);
Games, tournaments and competitions are temporarily suspended for teams;
Amateur sports organizations and leagues may implement additional guidelines to ensure the health and safety of participants;
Travel restrictions are in place for sport; individuals can only travel to their home club at which they train regularly;
No spectators are allowed at any sport activities unless to provide care for the participant.
Lacrosse activities (practices) CAN occur as per the BCLA Return to Lacrosse Phase 1 Guidelines reverting back to Skills & Drills training ONLY.
Read viaSport's Return to Sport FAQ's that reflects updated information on provincial restrictions on events and gatherings:
This is how sport, and the BCLA must proceed under the latest province-wide restrictions in the foreseeable future until sport is directed otherwise.
On January 8th, the PHO will address the status of the current PHO restrictions that are in effect to January 8, 2021 at midnight. Sport expects to learn more about sport activities within these new restrictions this month from additional viaSport BC guidelines. The BCLA will continue to update our members as we learn more from the BC Government, PHO and viaSport BC on information as it relates to COVID-19.
Thank you for your hard work and patience through our ever-changing situation. If you have any additional questions, please e-mail me at gerry@bclacrosse.com
Yours in Lacrosse,
Gerry Van Beek
BCLA President